Content categories organize content based on topic for easy student learning experience. Think of content categories like "Folders" of related content. You can also set category access, controlling which membership levels or free users can utilize your content library and associated categories.
Here is an example of the relationship between the Content Library and Content Categories.
Let's say that the content library also contains a section or category for Health and Wellness.

Add a New Content Category

To create a new content category for your library, complete the following steps.
Note that you can customize the "Featured image" to visually distinguish your "Content Categories". Your featured image will be visible to the user within their Dashboard under their Library. See an example of what your user would see below.
To add a new Content Category, make the following selections: 
  • Content > Add New
  • Category Name
  • Slug: [the URL friendly version of the name - usually all lowercase]
  • Parent term: [subcategory]
  • Description 
  • Category Image: [recommended size is 900X600 pixels]
  • Display Type: [List vs Grid view - List will display a list type format whereas Grid view will display a tiled view with more emphasis on a photo.  If you have great photos, you’ll want this to be your primary selection.]
  • Category Access: This is set to “No” as a default, which means that all members will have access.  In order to restrict this to certain memberships, toggle the button to say “Yes”, then enter the MemberMouse Membership Level ID.  
  • Featured Image: Add a new featured image to distinguish your content categories within your user's Library dashboard.
Once you are satisfied with changes to your new Content Category, select "Add New Content Category".

Editing Your Content Category

To edit your content category, navigate to Content / Content Categories, then hover and click "edit" under the content category you would like to edit. To save your changes, click the "update" button.

Content Types

Content types further categorize your content within a content library. Think of Content Types as a subfolder within "Content Categories". For instance, you might one Content Category under "Member Resources" only available to paid course users and have three "Content Types" such as Analytics, Sales Funnels, and Facebook Ads. You can add a new Content Type by hovering to the right sidebar of the screen and clicking on "Add New Content Type" or toggle the checkmark on existing Content types to associate the content with that type.

Content Tags

Content Tags further categorizes your content within your content library. As your library grows, students can filter certain tags or "keywords" which allow the student to find specific information.
For example, if you have 10 or more content articles within the "Member Resources" Category further categorized under "Social Media Marketing", you could associate articles with tags such as Facebook, Instagram, or Youtube, or TikTok. This allows the user to have a search friendly database of information.