Creating a Course Overview


Today, we will begin with how to create a course overview. During this video, you'll get a high level overview of how courses are created.

Let's quickly review the areas within your MemberDev back-end that apply to courses:
  • MemberMouse > Product Settings - In the Products area, you can create and edit paid products including courses, memberships, bundles, coupons, and drip content.
  • Courses - In the Courses area, you can create and edit course descriptions, skill levels, and categories.
  • Course Modules - In the Course Module area, you can create and organize articles, videos, and guided lessons.
There are three steps to setting up your course.

Step 1: Create Your Product

We'll begin by creating a product. Select the "MemberMouse" link and hover over the menu. Click on the link entitled "Product Settings".
  • Select 'Products." Then, click "Create Product"

  • A pop-up screen will appear.

    • Enter the product Name
      • Ex: Starter Course
    • Select Active status
    • Associated Access
      • You can associate this product with an existing Membership Level or Bundle if they exist. However, you will normally skip this and associate this product with the Bundle in the "How to Create a Bundle" step below.
    • Enter a Price
    • Select the appropriate checkbox if you want to include a trial, subscription, or if the product requires description.
    • Enter the product Description
      • This is a short description that shows up on checkout pages.
    • Click "Save Product"
Next, we'll create a matching Bundle for the course.

How to Create a Bundle

*Note: a Bundle is not required if you are including your course with membership.
Bundles are used to grant additional access beyond membership. They are commonly used for courses and required if your course is NOT included with membership. In other words, Bundles give you as a course creator the flexibility to provide additional access to your paid users.
This is traditionally a feature that allows course creators with multiple individual courses or membership levels to provide access for their users.
  • Click on the "Bundles" tab, then click on "Create Bundle" option
  • Configure your Bundle settings and associated access within the pop-up window.
  • Enter the Bundle Name
    • Pro TIP: it's a best practice to give your bundle the same name as your product. This will make it easy to find and identify in various back-end areas.
  • Select Active status
  • Set Bundle Type to Paid
    • Now you can associate the bundle with the product you created above.
  • Default Membership
    • This is the membership level that users will be put on if they purchase this course. You will usually leave this as "- use system default -" unless your course is associated with a specific membership level.
  • Click "Save Bundle"
Note that the bundle ID is something used to provide access to the course in step 2 below.  In order to find the ID numbers, click into MemberMouse > Product Settings > Bundles.  The ID will be in the leftmost column of the bundle listing.

Step 2: Create Your Course

In this step, you can either create your modules first or create your course. In either case, you'll need to assign the modules to your course and vice versa. Let's begin by creating our course.
To create a new course, navigate to the "Add New" link under "Course"
  • To create a new course, enter in the details for your course name and description.
  • Note that you can also associate your course with Categories (such as marketing, operations, HR, etc." as well as skill level such as "Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced". Course categories and Course skill levels can be created at the "Course area" under their respective names.

IMPORTANT: Then, set your Course Status as "Inactive". This status allows you to customize the course content without users seeing it as "Active" in their dashboard. Inactive courses do not display for the user on the front-end.

Free Vs. Paid Access

Note that user access to the course must be configured to determine who should have access to your course. Free makes the course available to all logged-in members, whereas Access makes the course available to select members. This is generally used for PAID access.

To make the course available to select members follow the instructions below:
  • Under "User Access" select Access
  • Then you will have two types of Access to grant:
    • Membership Access
      • To set membership access to your course - click "Add Membership Level ID" and choose the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.
    • Bundle Access
      • To set bundle access to your course - click "Add Bundle ID" and choose the appropriate option from the drop-down menu.
      • This will likely be the new Bundle you created in step 1 above.
    • Pro TIP: your course access will usually be associated with Bundle Access if you're selling courses as stand-alone products. You will only associate a course with Membership Access if you want the course to be included as part of a specific membership.
  • MemberMouse Product ID
    • This is where you can enter the MemberMouse Product ID for the course (if there is a default product to purchase in order to gain access to the course).
Once you are finished editing, click the "Publish" button, to save your initial course.
Now you can move on to creating your modules.

Step 3: Create Your Course Modules

Now that our course is created we can create the modules (also known as units or lessons). Note that the "course" and "course modules" have a hierarchical relationship. For instance, the course is the "parent" and the module is the "child". Modules are assigned at the course area and vice versa, so you'll need to ensure that all "modules" are assigned to the correct parent "course".
  • Now, select "Add New" from the "Course Modules" menu link.

  • Next, fill in the details for the Module Title and content inside the body text editing area. You can format and add additional content including text, video, links, and quotes.

Connecting course modules to courses

If you've created your parent course first, you can configure the Course Modules to the correct parent course within the drop-down menu.
  • Enter in the remaining details for the course module.
  • Repeat step two for each module for your course.
  • Click "Publish" once each module is finished.

Course Modules Continued

Now we need to head back to the Course we created in step 2. We will associate our new modules with the course by editing and updating the course status.
  • Navigate back to the Course and click "Edit." Then scroll down to the Course Modules options area.
  • Click "Add Module Button"
  • From the drop down menu, select the appropriate module in sequential order for your course.
  • You can add or remove modules, by hovering to the right and clicking the "+" icon to add a module and the "-" for removing modules.

Activating Your Course

Now that you've configured your modules and connected them with your course, it's time to prepare your first course for publishing.
Follow this checklist to ensure your course is ready for publishing.
  • Confirm correct User Access
  • Confirm that all course modules are connected to the parent course and vice versa
  • All modules have been published with appropriate url names
  • Confirm Course Categories and Course Skill Levels are appropriately selected (if applicable)
  • Confirm featured images for the course area configured (if applicable)
  • Once you are satisfied with the configuration of your course setup, set the Course Status to "Active" and click "Update"


Now that you are familiar with how to setup your course at the product and module area, you can now publish your course!