In this article, we'll uncover how to leverage the power of building community based events with member(dev). Events allow you to offer free or paid virtual or in-person meetings. For example, if you have a paid membership, you can offer additional training or coaching sessions and host them in the events area within the platform.
To begin, let's review some quick navigation of how to create, edit, and categorize your events.

Creating Events

To create a new event, navigate to the "Events" icon on the left hand side of the screen and hover over the "Events" icon, then select "Add New". To view all existing events, click "All Events"
  • Click on "Add New"
  • Enter the text field event title name
  • Enter the body text field for the description of the event

Event Details

Complete the text fields including Start and End Date.
  • Click on the empty text field below the "Start" and "End" text field
  • A pop-up will appear with a calendar requesting month, day, year, and time
  • Fill in the details for both Start and End Field
To enter your location, you can enter a specific physical address or virtual location which can reference if the event or meeting is held with the
Event Url:
If your event is held virtually, such as a Zoom webinar, you can copy and paste the meeting link directly within the Event Url text field.

Event Content

Event Video

You can customize the types of content of your event content including Event Video by toggling the "Yes/No" button to "Yes." Once you toggle this button to "Yes", you will see that a text field populates under the "Event Video" section entitled "Event Video Code".
To host a video under the event section
  • Navigate to your third party video hosting platform, we recommend Vimeo, and copy the the url.
  • Then, paste the url directly to the empty text field.
  • In the space below (as seen in the image directly below), you'll see the video populate.

Event Audio

Similarly, if you would like to grant access to a third party audio hosting platform, you can host the audio using the HTML embed code. For example, if you have an audio file from your podcast episode and you use Anchor or another podcast hosting platform, you can access the HTML embed option from your audio platform and paste it directly into the space below.
Below is a screenshot of hosting a podcast episode hosted on a third party hosted platform, in this case anchor.
Keep in mind, every audio hosting platform is different, so every audio platform will appear differently than the screenshot below.
To host the audio file,
  • Click on the share or embed option within your audio platform.
  • Then, select all of the HTML code with your cursor, and copy the code.
  • Lastly, paste the code into the text field below the "Event Audio" section.
In the screenshot below, you'll see an example of the paste HTML code under "Event Audio Code"

Event Category Access

Event categories signify specific event categories such community events or membership or 1:1 coaching calls. We will cover more about how to create and edit event categories and event types in a separate video and article.

Event Types

Event types allow you to further organize your events.
To edit your event types,
  • Navigate to the right side of the event
  • Then, click on the checkbox to signify the event type
In the example screenshot below, you'll see three examples of event types: In-person, virtual, and workshop. You can create and edit event types in a different section which we will cover in a different help article and tutorial.

Previewing Individual Events

There are two ways to preview individual events.

Navigate from "All the Events" Area

  • Hover on "Events" and click the link "All events"
  • Under the event you'd like to edit, click the link "View"

Navigate from the "Edit Event" Area

  • From the event editing area, click the "Preview Changes"
  • Alternatively, click the "Permalink" and a new tab browser will open with previewing what the user will see


Previewing All Events

To preview all events from the user's perspective.
  • Navigate to the top part of the dashboard, then select "Visit Site".
  • Click "Dashboard"
  • Then, click "Events"
  • From there, you'll see all the events on the calendar
  • To click and view individual events, you can click on the event time on the calendar