Create a Free Membership

One of the benefits of creating a free membership is that members will receive a message indicating that they need to upgrade to the membership when they attempt to access premium features.
The following steps indicate how to create a free membership.
  1. Navigate to "Membermouse" on the admin dashboard
  2. Navigate to "Product Settings"
  3. Click on "Membership Levels"
  4. Click "Create Membership Level" and a pop-up window will appear
  5. Complete the text fields in the pop-up window including product name
  6. Set status to "Active"
  7. Membership Type = Free
  8. Select "send welcome email"
  9. Click and add any associated bundles to the membership level.
  10. Scroll down to the bottom of the window and click on "Save Membership Level"


Create a New Product

When you create a new paid membership level and subscription, you'll need to start by creating a new product.
  • Navigate to the Membermouse, then Product Settings
  • On the main menu, click on "Product"
  • Click "Create Product", then a pop-up will appear
  • Complete the steps and prompts including
    • Product Name
    • Status: Active
    • Price:
    • Subscription (this is the frequency of billing in days)
    • Do not include the associated access, this will be added in the second step when you create a new membership level.
    • Click Save Product
Note: It is a best practice to create a the product name similar to the membership level name.

Create a New Membership Level

  • Navigate to the "Membership Levels"
  • Click "Create Membership Level", a pop-up will appear
  • Complete the steps and prompts including
    • Membership Name
    • Status: Active
    • Membership Type: Paid
    • Select the associated product that you created in the first step
    • Select the checkbox to send welcome email to customers
    • Click Save Membership Level

Associated Access For Bundles

Under the membership area, navigate to the new membership level you have created.
  • Click the pencil icon to edit or add associated access for any bundles
  • In the pop-up, scroll down to bundle access, then select the bundles you'd like to grant access to.
  • Click Save Membership Level
Now, you'll see the bundles visible under the column on the newly created membership level.